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Data center of Yancheng high throughput computing Innovation Research Institute

Yancheng high throughput computing Innovation Research Institute, Institute of computing, Chinese Academy of Sciences, was established in early 2019. It is jointly built by Yancheng Municipal government and Institute of computing, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The core backbone of the Research Institute comes from the research team of the high throughput center of the Institute of computing of the Chinese Academy of Sciences with fan Dongrui as the core. Relying on the technological breakthrough with high throughput computing technology as the core, it is based on solving the core technologies of high throughput server, system software platform and high throughput application.

There are two sets of customized Nebula cold aisle containment in the data center. 

Data center of Yancheng high throughput computing Innovation Research Institute Data center of Yancheng high throughput computing Innovation Research Institute Data center of Yancheng high throughput computing Innovation Research Institute





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